Be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Posted by Faith Healer Exorcist, With 0 Comments, Category: Announcements,

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit means participation partaking with and subsequently sharing with others. This fellowship is not just for reaching individual believers, but that every individual who participates also shares with others. If the love of God and the grace of Christ, that believers receive, do not reach others, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is stifled.

The fellowship of the Spirit is persistently seeking to expand, to include more partakers and dispensers of grace and love. The Holy Spirit's greatest delight is to teach the believer about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit longs to bring us into full maturity in Christ. Sometimes the way God chooses to lead us is through our own disquieted Spirit. Revival is a Spirit-filled community of believers.

It is a community of believers who have been filled with the Spirit and are continuing to live in the fullness of the Spirit, we must remember that to reject the Holy Scripture is to reject the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit demands attention, He clunks you on the head. The Truth of God is taught by the Holy Spirit, and our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit testifies the Truth, he reveals the Truth. The Holy Spirit is our great Teacher, we are sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit sanctifies the soul and teaches us the Truth of God. The Holy Spirit searches all things, the depth of the Truth of God. We must have this spirit of wisdom and revelation of Christ and His Word if we are to grow, it is not going to be imparted to us through our intellect, either, the Holy Spirit must unveil it to us.

Salvation belongs to the sinner, Jesus already has bought the salvation of the worst sinner, just as He did for us. That’s the reason He told us to go tell the Good News; go tell sinners they’re reconciled to God. There’s no sin problem, Jesus settled that. There’s just a sinner problem, Get the sinner to Jesus, and that cures the problem, remember that our body is a temple of the holy spirit. Amen